羽生結弦 英語ニュース オータムクラシック




the Japan Timesジャック・ギャラガーさんの、オータムクラシック2019の羽生くん部分を訳してみました。ちょっと分からなかったところは、「こうかな?」と思いながら書いて、その下に迷ったポイントや言い訳などが書いてあります。



Yuzuru Hanyu skates to victory in competitive return

A healthy Yuzuru Hanyu returned to competition over the weekend at the Autumn Classic International in victorious fashion. The superstar scored a comfortable win skating his two programs from last season.

in victorious fashion:勝利で(fashionに仕方、流儀などの意味あり)


Hanyu, who has struggled with an ankle injury the past two seasons, gave an uneven performance and showed he still has room for improvement. Having not competed for six months and coming off a serious injury, it came as no surprise.

come off



また、come offにたくさんの意味があり、「結果が伴う」、という意味と「はがれる」という意味があり、6か月間試合に出なかったことで怪我が癒された、という解釈なのか、インタビューで左足首捻挫したと言っていたからそのことなのか、どっちか迷いました。

The two-time Olympic champion won the event in Oakville, Ontario, for the fourth time in the past five years with a total score of 279.05 points.


France’s Kevin Aymoz (262.47) was second, with Canada’s Keegan Messing (256.02) taking third.


Hanyu fell on his opening quad salchow in his short program to “Otonal,” but other than that was nearly flawless.


Debbi Wilkes, one of the commentators on the Skate Canada livestream of the event, praised Hanyu’s determination after the miscue.


スケートカナダで試合のライブストリームのコメンテイターの一人、Debbi Wilkesはミスの後の羽生の決断力を褒めた。

“Knowing Yuzu, he won’t be happy with that performance,” Wilkes stated. “Eyeing rival Nathan Chen from the U.S., he knows to compete with Nathan he needs that quad salchow that he missed. Like a true champion, rearranged himself and refocused to do the quad/triple combination.”

rearrange 再編成する


rearranged himself は再編成する、という意味だから、ミスがあってもそのあとで仕切りなおして、というニュアンスかな、と思いました。

Hanyu’s free skate to “Origin” was a bit more problematic, as he received negative grades of execution on his first two quads (loop, salchow), then had under-rotations on a pair of quad toe loops.


Wilkes, the 1964 Olympic silver medalist in pairs, noticed that even the greatest skaters can go through rough patches.

go through rough patches:難局を乗り越える


rough patches は、そのまま荒い凸凹という意味ですが、何かの比喩か何かかな…と調べてみると、難局、困難という意味があるそうです。(※アルク英辞郎より

“Shaking off some of the rust early in the season,” Wilkes commented. “Even Yuzuru can have problems some days.”


Two-time pairs world champion Meagan Duhamel, who also provided commentary on the livestream, complimented Hanyu’s commitment to excellence.

2度のペアの世界チャンピオンのMeagan Duhamelもまた、ライブストリームのコメンテイターだが、羽生の素晴らしい献身を褒めた。

“We see him looking exhausted at the end of that performance,” Duhamel noted. “I have to point out that when he finishes a practice session, he’s that exhausted. It’s because he gives 110 percent of himself to every moment. So that when it’s over, he has nothing left in the tank.


“He practices like that. He performs like that. He does shows like that. That’s who he is.”


Added Wilkes, “that’s one of the reasons he is so great.”



Wilkes noted something special about Hanyu in her analysis.


“Every performance in competition is serious for a competitor, but when Yuzuru steps on the ice there is this focus that emanates from him,” Wilkes said.



日本語の文が上手く書けないのですが、there is this focus that emanates from himの部分は、彼から発生する何か(オーラみたいな?)が見ている人みんなを集中させちゃう(ピントを合わす)みたいなニュアンスかな…?


Duhamel pointed out that there is a reason for Hanyu’s superiority.


“Yuzu is a perfectionist. Although that was great performance, he will not be satisfied with it,” Duhamel stated. “It’s because of Yuzu’s multiple quad jumps that he has kind of forced men’s skating around the world to up the ante. That why we are seeing quad flips and quad lutzes now. He’s kind of forced them to do that if they want to compete with him.”

up the ante:要求水準を上げる





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