感情的な emotional
- emotional 感情的な、感動的な
“It was a really special, magical time,” said Starbuck, after seeing The Ice King for the first time. “All of us came together and we were in this beautiful bubble. We got to perform in beautiful theaters with people who loved and appreciated what we were doing. We got to be part of John Curry’s vision. It was a magnificent ride.”
「本当に特別な、魔法のような時間でした」スターバックは初めて「 The Ice King」を見た後に語った。「私たち皆集まってこのような美しい泡の中にいた。私たちは私たちがしていることを愛し感謝している人々のいる素晴らしい舞台で演技をしていた。ジョン・カリーの映像の一部に私たちはいたんだ。それは素晴らしい乗り心地だった。」
The film also focuses on Curry’s complex and often self-destructive romantic life. One former lover interviewed said Curry was always searching for love, but that often had a dark side.
“We wanted to get the truth and persuade the people [interviewed] about the emotional honesty of the film and that we wouldn’t speak of his private life in a prurient way,” said Erskine, who shared details of the film with Curry’s brother. “It was a sincere attempt to understand him and his world.”
For all that, Brown’s competitive skating career had been stopped dead in its tracks by his failure to make the 2018 U.S. Olympic team. He had made no plans beyond competing at the 2018 Winter Games.
for all that:そのくせ、それにもかかわらず、なのに
stop dead in its tracks:(怖さなどで)硬直する、うごけなくなるそれにもかかわらず、ブラウンの現役スケートキャリアは2018年のオリンピックアメリカ代表チームを射止めなかった失敗によって動けなくなっていた。2018年冬季五輪で試合をするという以上のことを計画していなかった。
“At the end of last season, I was mentally distraught and emotionally torn apart,” Brown said during a lengthy interview between training sessions in Toronto.
tear apart:否定的な意見を言う、しかる、酷評する「昨シーズンの終わり、精神的に取り乱して感情的にネガティブになっていた。」ブラウンはトロントのトレーニングセッションの合間の長々としたインタビューで話した。