スケート関係 フィギュアスケート基礎英語 宮原知子 ネイサン・チェン ハビエル・フェルナンデス ミハイル・コリヤダ

ジャンプの失敗 fall《スケート基本英語#3》

投稿日:2018年9月10日 更新日:



  • fall on...(ジャンプに)失敗する、転倒する
  • stumble out of...(ジャンプに)つまづく

But Chen, who has been the most accomplished performer of quadruple jumps in the field, fellon his opening quad lutz on Friday, stumbledout ofa triple axeland did not complete two jumps in combination, which is required. (NYtimes)

  • pop パンクする(予定した回転数が減ったジャンプになってしまうこと)
  • no combination コンビネーションなし

Reigning European bronze medalist Mikhail Kolyada (RUS) stumbled on his opening quadruple Lutz and then popped his planned quad toeloop into a double and had no combination. (ISU)


  • double (ジャンプが)2回転になる
  • planned ... 予定していた(ジャンプ)

doubleはパンクして予定していたジャンプが2回転になってしまうときに使う表現。予定外に3回転になってしまう場合は、triple と言います。

Fernandez started strongly into his ‘Man of la Mancha’ routine with a quad toe and a quad Salchow-double toe and triple Axel-triple toe, but later doubled planned quad Salchow. (ISU)

  • step out ステップアウト
  • put his/her hand on the ice (お手付き)

His timing was off on the take off, and he had to step out of his landing and put his hand on the ice.(NYtimes


  • underrotated 回転不足の

名詞形はunderrotation (under-rotation) 、cheated jump ともいう。

However, the Canadian Champion fell on an underrotated triple Salchow and doubled the loop. (ISU

2015 World silver medalist Satoko Miyahara of Japan underrotated three jumps to drop from third to fifth (213.49 points). (ISU

  • downgrade ダウングレードになる


Gabrielle Daleman (CAN) is ranked fourth at 64.49 points. The back-end of the triple Lutz-triple toe combination was downgraded.

  • an invalid element  無効の要素


He went on to complete another triple Salchow as the last jump of his skate, which – having been repeated in the program – was rated as an invalid element, and received no points.





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-スケート関係, フィギュアスケート基礎英語, 宮原知子, ネイサン・チェン, ハビエル・フェルナンデス, ミハイル・コリヤダ
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