共鳴する、鳴り響く、心に響く resonate
- resonate 共鳴する、反響する、鳴り響く、琴線に触れる
“I’m really interested in genius and how genius interacts with society and the struggle to express yourself and be permitted to be yourself,” said Erskine. “To reach for any artistic ideal is in itself a great challenge. When you add in somebody who grows up in a society and a family that rejects the right to be themselves, I thought there was great symmetry between the personal and the professional in Curry’s life that was moving and also resonates.”
It wasn’t just that Mao won, but the way she did it — with style and panache — that resonated with the masses. Her mastery of the triple axel — the difficult 3.5 revolution jump — became her trademark after first landing it when she was still a novice.